


Legislation affirming local 政府ernments' authority to collect water- and sewer-growth related fees for community and economic development -- a key advocacy goal of 城市 and towns -- received the 政府ernor's signature on Thursday. HB 436地方政府/监管费用 went through several changes over the course of the legislative session, initially filed as a proposal to ban the fee collection altogether. The League worked tirelessly with all stakeholders to create new, compromise language that ensures North Carolina's path to growth is not imperiled. Not only does the signed version guarantee 城市' and towns' authority (within a more uniform structure), it also limits potential liability from any further adverse court rulings on the matter. 点击这里了解背景 on the court action that preceded the legislation. 365足彩下载将以书面形式解释新法律 网络研讨会定于上午10点.m. 7月31日. Additional details follow in this newsletter.

The League has scheduled two post-legislative-session webinars, each to provide clarity on an item of high interest to 城市 and towns lately, following actions by the General Assembly. 第一个网络研讨会,上午10点.m. 七月三十一日(登记), will explain legislation concerning impact fees or capacity development fees. 第二次是在上午10点.m. 8月. 15 (登记), will explain new small-cell wireless legislation and what it means for municipalities. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the webinar.

政府. Roy Cooper this week signed into law a number of important pieces of legislation, including the Disaster Recovery Act of 2017. SB 338 lays out how the relief funds for Hurricane Matthew and other disasters will be distributed for such things as housing, 修理和洪水保险补贴, 拨款1亿元. 州长还签署了 HB 26 Workers' Comp/Approval of Disputed Legal Fees, legislation passed in response to a problematic recent Supreme Court decision impacting the workers' compensation system, before the League and partners worked on a fix. 此外,他还签署了 HB 252建筑规范监管改革,这 指导地方政府 to create an internal review process of local building inspectors' decisions.

州长办公室正在发消息 在其网站上 periodic roundups of bill actions, including vetoes. 政府. 库珀周一否决了这一提议 HB 205囚犯专用厕所 & WC /新闻纸的员工, a bill that included a pilot program in Guilford County for the electronic publication of 政府ernment notices in lieu of newspaper publication. 州长用简短的语言解释了他的否决 伴随信息

现在报名参加2017年互联城市视觉展, the League's not-to-miss annual conference scheduled for Sept. 格林维尔20-23号. CityVision 2017 will offer engaging programming designed to help municipal officials absorb the latest ways to improve their 城市 and towns. Conference attendees will learn best practices for connecting to technology, 到邻近的城镇, 给区域项目和组织, 以及有影响力的领导能力. The annual conference also is where members elect officers and make any constitutional or bylaw changes. Join with fellow municipal officials from around the state and attend CityVision 2017. 预登记将于8月18日星期五结束. 现在注册!

On behalf of the State Demographer in the North Carolina Office of State Budget & 管理, the League is reminding its members that the deadline for the completion of the Annual Demographic Information Survey is 今天2017年7月21日. The State Demographer sent out an email to all municipalities earlier this summer directing them to access and complete online the Annual Demographic Information Survey regarding boundary and annexation changes, 团体宿舍人口, 新住宅建设. In past years, this survey was completed on paper. The information collected in these surveys is critical to the population estimates that are used in the distribution of state shared revenues. Please complete the survey as soon as possible. Any questions regarding the survey should be directed to State Demographer Mike Cline at (919) 807-4756 or 迈克尔.cline@osbm.nc.政府.


是时候了 新一集 市政方程. The rundown: When you think of downtown alleys, what comes to mind? 可能是不好的联想? 晚上要避开的地方? 从童年起, Americans have had the general impression that alleyways are dark, 脏, dangerous -- the right setting for noir crime stories. 这种情况可能经常发生. 但是很多人。.S. 城市, 包括北卡罗来纳州的一些州, are starting to embrace their alleys like assets -- as places to be -- with art, 照明, 种植园主, 座位和清洁度. They're inviting spaces that pedestrians can use to cut from block to block or to access businesses. Some alleyway owners even hold weekend events in them. There's a lot you can do to sweep out the bad associations and boost charm and use, if you want to. What could you do with your downtown alleys? You'll hear tons of ideas and considerations 在这一集里. 市政方程式是365足彩下载两周一次的播客 at 一夜.com/municipalequationiTunes. Is there something unique going on in your city or town that you think would make for a great episode? 电子邮件主机/制作人 本•布朗. 听...... 过去的事件 寻找灵感.

县选举委员会关闭了 2017年市级候选人申报期 星期五中午. 这个州更新了 文件清单 在写这篇文章的时候,有将近3,000 names vying for 政府erning boards of 城市 and towns across North Carolina. The state's elections office may update the list after publication of this newsletter.
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